Treating each other with respect is at the heart of a new campaign [Archived]

Safety, wellbeing and respect are at the heart of our new campaign.

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4 Sep 2024

In a drive to promote mutual respect between customers and Thirteen colleagues, we’ve launched “expect respect”.  

Whether it’s by phone or face to face, people deserve to be spoken to with dignity and respect. The campaign will focus on everyone from customers to Thirteen repairs staff, from contact team members answering the phones to housing services colleagues and the company’s directors.   

This zero-tolerance approach for both colleagues and customers begins immediately, with anyone breaching the guidelines being reminded about the need for being friendly and professional in the first instance, but further infringements will see people reported and action taken against them. 

Director of customer experience Michelle Younger said: “We work incredibly hard to ensure all colleagues maintain the highest possible standards of behaviour and communication when interacting with customers.  

“So, our expect respect campaign is all about ensuring that our colleagues are treated fairly and spoken to in a respectful and polite manner, and a way of ensuring that all interactions are as pleasant and courteous as they can be, as no one wants to be spoken to aggressively or made to feel uncomfortable.  

“We take great pride in the fact that we’ve established productive, mutually respectful relationships with the majority of our customers, but this serves as a little reminder to those who sometimes step over the line, that no longer will it, or should it, be tolerated.” 

We report all forms of unacceptable behaviour, which includes shouting, swearing, threats or intimidating behaviour, showing aggression or general hostility towards colleagues while fulfilling their job roles.  This is applied to both face-to-face interaction or conversations on the telephone or digital media.  

We hope you will support us in taking this forward and helping us work better together.