Delivering our Business Strategy

Our Business Strategy 2024-2035 sets out our priorities for the coming decade.

Read our Business Strategy 2024-2035.

We’ve kept it clear and simple, listing objectives for the year ahead alongside statements of ambition describing where we want to be in 2030 and 2035.

Like any good strategy, it also identifies key measures of success so we can check our progress along the way.

On this page we’ll be providing quarterly updates on each of those measures so it’s quick and easy for you to see how we’re doing.

We’ve split them up into our strategy’s three main foundations – Happy customers, Fantastic homes, and Brilliant people.

Quarter 3 – October to December 2024

Happy Customers

Key performance measure

Actual Q3 End of 24/25 target  End of 23/24 

Satisfaction with our services (overall) (year to date)

89.7% 88.0% 88.0%
Customer net promoter score (would recommend Thirteen) (year to date) 76 72 72
Total current tenant arrears (% of debit) (at quarter end) 2.8% 3.0% 2.9%
Tenancy turnover (rolling 12 months) 6.9% 7.5% 7.5%

Satisfaction with repairs service (overall) (year to date)

90.5% 89.0% 89.0%
Empty homes loss (% of debit) (year to date) 2.6% 2.1% 2.0%
Repairs completed within target timescale (non-emergency) (in the month) 71.1% 85.0% 63.9%

Fantastic Homes

Key performance measure Actual Q3 End of 24/25 target End of 23/24 
New supply delivered – social housing (year to date) 468 650 542
% of stock at EPC C or above (at quarter end) 74.2% 75.0% 70.0%

Satisfaction with the quality of new build homes (year to date)

91% 95% 97%

Strategic sale of properties (at quarter end)

56 54 -
% of spend on maintenance through investment vs reactive repairs TBC TBC TBC

Brilliant People

Key performance measure

Actual Q3 End of 24/25 target End of 23/24 
Colleague net promoter score (would recommend Thirteen) (at quarter end) 11 18 11

Average days lost to sickness per FTE (rolling 12 months)

12.8 11.0 11.9
Voluntary staff turnover (rolling 12 months) 7.1% 7.0% 7.0%

EBITDA MRI interest cover (credit rating) (at quarter end)

170.4% 144.1% 159.8%

Cash efficiencies delivered (year to date)

3.8% 3.0% 4.0%

If you have any questions or queries, please contact:

Heather Hall, Head of Finance (Reporting & Transactions)

call: 0300 111 1000
